70 YEAR OLD NIGERIAN WOMAN discovers Hair/Nail Growth wonder!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Nigeria Battery Low?

That NIGERIA is the most populous black nation is no longer news. That majority of the populace live in abject poverty is the norm. But sometimes reports like the one reported on CNN BY Christiane Amanpour on power failure during Superbowl tourney, rubs pepper onto the wounds of many Nigerians.

Lack of constant electricity is just one thing. Many roads are broken down or totally inaccessible, lorries bringing food from the hinterland falls down almost every kilometre due to majority bad roads.  Transportation system is chaotic, especially in Lagos. People risk their lives commuting from place to place to make a living. Child labour is the order of the day....just to keep up, because parents are poorly paid...some 're owed, ..strikes every now and then.

Question is, IS NIGERIA BATTERY AT THE LOST?  Many say yes. But who will recharge our national battery? Many say...it is the government. I DISAGREE.  It is a collective. But as individuals, we must  not be staring our problems in the face and be crying....like a child pushed to the wall by a turkey (see pix) and waiting for the parents to come chase it away.

Lets do something...all of us....no matter how little, while we cry. Somehow our parents will hear our cry and do something.  Our battery is low, lets recharge it!

What's your view?

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